Routing Preferences
Arvee supports various routing settings which allow you to indicate your preferences when routing between two destinations.
To configure your rig settings, click your email address in the upper-right hand corner of the application after logging in. Then, click on the Settings menu item.
This will bring up the Settings Dialog. Click the “Routing” item on the toolbar to bring up the routing preferences screen.
Available Routing Preferences
Drive Time
The drive time setting in Arvee is a powerful one, which allows you to quickly and accurately identify destinations that should be reachable from a given starting point under normal driving conditions.
For more information on Drive Time ranges, visit the Drive Time / Distance Estimates page.
The drive time radius also is used to help you at a glance identify legs of a trip’s itinerary that exceed your preferences. These warnings can be found in a trip’s itinerary highlighted in red.
Avoid Ferries
Enabling setting will instruct the router to prefer trips that do not use a Ferry for transportation.
Avoid Tolls
Enabling setting will instruct the router to avoid roads that charge a toll.