Creating A New Trip

Creating a new trip in Arvee can be done by clicking the “Create a New Trip” card on the Dashboard.

Create A Trip Card


If your account does not have any trips upon login, you will automatically be taken to the trip creation map and thus do not have to click the “Create a New Trip” card.

Starting Your Trip

Once on the trip creation map, you must select a starting location to begin your trip from. This can be done multiple ways:

  • Typing in the location, address, etc. into the search bar
  • Selecting an existing marker on the map

Regardless of how you choose a starting location, you will be shown the marker detail card. On this card you will find the button “Begin Trip Here”. Clicking this button will choose the location as the starting location for your trip.

Begin Trip Here

To complete the process of creating a new trip, complete the dialog that appears by providing a trip name, selecting a start date for your trip to begin, and then clicking “Create Your Trip”.

Create Trip Dialog

Once your trip has been created you will return to the map screen to continue planning your trip!


Once you have created your first trip the Arvee dashboard will become available to you, allowing you to manage multiple trips and access various other features.